Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club

Inject Your Sunday

Friday 5 December

Ashes with the Bashers

More information coming soon...

Bashers Fees 2018

As you're all aware, playing cricket in Shanghai is far from cheap. The SCC hiked registration fees by more than 20% this year after the SCSC raised its ground hire prices. The Bashers is absorbing some of these costs, but we need to raise member fees to make up the remainder.

Fifty Singles’ All-Run 4 Challenge

Fifty Singles' All-Run 4 Challenge Can't hit a boundary? Tired of not scoring big runs? Here is a technique that will add a dimension to your run scoring ability.

Shirt Sizes

Please all, need to get an idea of what size playing shirts to order. Please select a size below asap.
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn Hands Up!

Availability 2018

The SCC will be rolling out stricter rules for player eligibility this year which will attempt to push all member clubs into operating on a first XI, second XI and third XI basis.

Bashers Windbreaker

Our new President, Paps, will bring along a collection of windbreakers for people to try at Bashers Drinks tomorrow night, so you can order the size that fits. So get along to Bashers Drinks at Cages!

2018 Pre-Season Fitness Challenge

Time to get off your bums and work off the Spring Festival Baijiu sessions and be ready to rip into the cricket season.

Bashers Signed Photos

Thrilla in Manila (aka Philippines 6s Lumberjack)

Bashers AGM 2017

Bashers AGM 2017 An excellent AGM on Saturday afternoon! Special thanks to the Committee of 2017, our sponsors at The Camel, and everyone (that's mostly Birdshit) involved in making it such a memorable (or memorably hazy) event! Below are a few selected photos.
The Bashers are so pretty Short attention span cricket Road Trip!

Nanjing 2017 Video Clips

Possibly Shit Shoes' final cut. A Magnum Opus in two parts.
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