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Bashers Cricket Club

Indoor Season set to start 3rd November


Thanks for those who have expressed interest in regular or occassional play in the Indoor league over the winter:

1. S.S. (c)
2. Korean
3. Long Dong
4. Post-Op
5. Tubby
6. Poppy
7. Latex
8. Golden Shears
9. Peking
10. Tiny
11. Susan
12. Paps
13. Dags

We are still looking for players, so please post your interest below. The club is organising an IPL-styled indoor shirt at the moment – will keep you posted.



WINTER IS COMING… and the nForce Arena indoor league is set to start on Sunday 3rd November. As many of you will be aware it was tough to put together 2 teams last season, so this year the club is tentatively looking at entering a single team into the B division. The winning clubs last year had settled teams who showed up each week and improved over the season, so I’m looking for a core of 4-5 players who will show each Sunday – and the rest of the team to be made up from those who can’t commit to each week.

As an alternative option – if there is enough interest – Filthy is also looking at the possibility of extending the “Mongrels” for some Bashers who feel like competing in the A division (it would be a few Bashers + others).

Bashers celebrating a wicket last year!

Bashers celebrating a wicket last year!

Long Dong bowling for the Bashers last year at the nForce Arena

Long Dong bowling for the Bashers last year at the nForce Arena

Now is the time to voice your opinions, comments, feedback, interest ahead of the indoor season, so that the club can make the right decisions on your behalf.

Indoor Skipper



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