Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club

Green Jacket Golf Day – Big Boobie Golf Day

This is a call out for anyone interested in
1. Golf
2. Big day out on the piss
3. Winning the Bashers Green Jacket
4. Big Day and night out on the piss

[forecast where=”Shanghai, Shanghai China” when=”2015-04-24″ align=”none”]

If any of these appeal then let us know if you want to be part of a double header golf day .
RMB 1688 per head . Shrek will put the green jacket on the line , with a team of at least 4 ( or more ) to play the Big Boobie Spring Classic .

Put your interest down and we will communicate discretely contact you to work out the details, there could be some form of costume involved , lots of drinking .

Get on it and let us know if your in






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