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Bashers Cricket Club

Who wants to Play in the Sixes ??

To all Bashers Players .

We have been allocated 8 player spots under our team entry conditions .

This includes 8 tickets to the friday night function, a team freebie bag , and post Sunday finals BBQ .

We can play more than 8 players over the weekend but obviously 8 places with freebies will not spread to the whole club so we need you to make it easier for us to pick you in the 8 or simply to get a game when available .  

With 2 cricket fields running for the 3 days we need volunteers to umpire and score otherwise the tournament simply will not work .

The SCC has offered a fine deal to anyone who will volunteer to umpire or score for 3 days a VIP pass ( free food and booze on ground) plus a ticket to the legends dinner .

Anyone willing to volunteer 3 days of scoring or umpiring please let us know . This does NOT need to be a member so spread the word !!

As for Bashers Selection we will give preference to anyone who volunteers to Umpire for a whole day , Score for half a day and be a fully paid member.

We are guaranteed 4 games, at least one each day and other than our main goal of winning the tournament,  teams will be picked from the above criteria with those left over who do not volunteer picking up the crumbs. 

We want to see everyone  get a game , and with a little help from you it will make it easy to select you.

for your reply we need a detailed answer to what days you are available and if you can umpire or score on a particular day .



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