Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club


Saturday 8 November

Parrots 50th Extravaganza

Temps will be rising up next year in FNQ and plans are being formulated for an Aussie Bashers weekender in Cairns! You won't want to miss celebrating Parrot bring up an another unbeaten 50! It is sure to be the extravaganza of the year!

Qingdao Beer Festival Tour

2019 Philippines Sixes – Statistical Analysis

Friday 15 November by Omega Manilla Sixes 2019 Lumberjack part 1 - Friday. Paps, Bambi and Fakey get red eye flight and nothing interesting happens other than spotting a Skiddy impersonator. 

Nanjing 2019 Lumberjack

It was a bittersweet weekend for the tourists as the sweetness of a fun weekend of drinking, revelry and a little bit of cricket was

Philippine 6’s 2018

Day Zero 'It is better to travel with Pope than to arrive.' But Pope wasn't here. Not too dismayed or downhearted by this, we followed our Skipper's lead; his motto...

Nanjing ’18 Rural VI’s Jumberlack

To add a little context: The auction was a shabby event (video highlight below) Parrot failed to understand he couldn't buy the whole squad
Hands Up! Short attention span cricket Road Trip!

Nanjing 2018 Player Auction Results

Parrot claims he thought his budget was 50 million yet he still manages to get 10 players and have almost 4 million left over. Shocking.

Nanjing 2018 Form Guide

Raj Siva Memorial Nanjing Form Guide 2018 The Second Original (Lost) Connery Shield

2018 Tour Shirts – Second Order

Now open for second orders. Once we reach critical mass we can get a new batch. Careful which size you order, these are not your normal overstated Chinese sizings.

Bashers Signed Photos

Thrilla in Manila (aka Philippines 6s Lumberjack)
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