Squads for Sunday, August 7th.
Leisure bus from 7.30am and Business bus from 10.45am from Camel.
[forecast where=”PVG” when=”2011-08-07″ align=”none”]
Pudong Power vs Leisure
When: Sun, August 7, 9:00am – 12:15pm @ SRFC Near
- Sean “Golden Shears†Lear
- Paul “Woodstock†Howard
- Norman “Mouse†Lau
- Mark “Shitshoes†Henwood
- Desmond “Long Dong†De Silva
- Chris “Puberty†Douglas
- Steve “Toe†Cliff
- Luke “Penguin†Hagget
- Richard “Parrot†Yates
- Justyn “Scoobie†Field (TBC)
- Jack “Dags†Sheppard (Inj)
Daredevils CC vs Business
When: Sun, August 7, 12:15pm – 5:45pm @ SRFC Near
- Philip “Filthy†Mildenhall
- Sheyan “Dipso†Patel
- Oliver “Stats†Austin
- Hadleigh “Sir Dick†Churchill
- Mike “Tubby†Hall
- Glenn “Growler†Rowell
- Sameer “Paps†Jolly
- Tim “Tiny†O’Connell
- Denzyl “Cranky†Allwright
Sean “Korean†Malcon Andy “Tank” Scott
- John “Inquisition†L’Epagniol
Let us know how you’ll get there.
CC Filth
Where's our secret weapon: Sharapova? Bus
Good luck boys,will try and come down to see both teams bring home the win!!
On the bus. Hopefully Super Typhoon Muifa has the decency to change course and let us play cricket this weekend... http://english.eastday.com/e/110805/u1a6035791.html
Strongest Typhoon to hit in 10 years arrives at around 9am Sunday. Trying to stay optimistic here but somehow don't think that there will be a game. 160km/h winds with gust up to 215km/h. Can stand at one end and just let the ball go as delivery.
on the bus - and think we should play - let Leppa bowl into the wind and see what happens...
bus if we're not washed out
Late scratching has Tank replacing Korean in Business
I love how even with a scratching at 10 Inquisition still stays at 11. I also like how they make the weather maps look so pretty. especially those radar ones that kinda look like fractals.
Good luck guys , Typhoon Mofo looks like fun. C'mon Growler , where is the lumberjack from last weekend !!
Hey so this typhoon has the same Chinese name as Meihua (same characters too). Permission requested to change Sharapova's Bashers name to "Typhoon"!
Bus...Sorry for delay Omega, i am trying to forget that day...
on the bus
doesn't look like cricket weather outside... is there going to be an official update on play this morning?
won't take bus - gimme a call before 8.15am and I can still make the ground by train - 13764053417...
fines to be administered by the presiding fine-master at the next fine session: 1. negative fine to Filthy for being club captain and yet unaware all games were cancelled at the SRFC... 2. negative fine to Parrot for being team captain and not replying to my message... 3. positive fine to the Korean for saving me the walk from metro station to the SRFC...
good call shitshoes - and to add,double negative fine for Filthy for spelling my name wrong
Fair call on the spelling of Shaun BUT games were not cancelled by SRFC! If captains from both teams wanted to play the SRFC was available. (Business waited out there until 1.00pm before deciding the weather had won)!
Dags, our Shazza has a lot more mongrel than that little puff of wind.