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Bashers Cricket Club

Thursday Drinks at The Camel – Bashers Shot Selection Round 1

Now we are all back in the swing of things lets get back on track with some off season training! We need to start working on some important stuff for the 2012 season and I cant think of a better place to start than The Camel!

Firstly we need the 2012 Bashers Shot sorting out. This may seem insignificant to many but these will be forced upon you at a moments notice with no warning so we defiantly need to work on the recipe from last year.

The selected mix last season was;


Now i’m not saying this wasn’t an inspired selection but it did taste fairly rough. As always the Bashers strive to improve and we defiantly cant fail to improve on this.

So, come down for a drink and an open discussion and maybe a taste test or 2 this Thursday 12th from around 7pm.

Also after a few testers we can start practicing a reenactmentof this….

NZ Catch



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