Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club

“Lumberjack”ish of opening friendly vs Dogs

We played cricket, hooray.

The rest from Skiddy:

By 5pm it already looked like people were down and out. And by 6:30 or 6:45 when I left, Bambi was Bambi, eyes closed, nobody home, but still going.

Longdrop looked like he would be done any minute, but kept trying to figure out how to get his date and the champagne. Fill us in Longy!
Birdy looked like he was also done, but somehow stayed for one more. Stuff of legends.
Fling left after falling asleep at the table, and mumbling.
Cracker was asleep, angry after being made to wait for his drinks, but magically awoke to devour the pepperoni pizza that was placed right under his nose.

Paps did a Cinderella as usual and ran away, but only after taking his free to-go dark and stormy.
Suka left after hesuan.
Mal left a bit earlier after giving audio optimization lessons to Klaus.
Soapy left to go chat up dudes on the subway and go drink with them.
skiddy left alone, do I need to say any more? We’ve all seen that film before.
Tucker played it safe, and smart or weak, and left with his senses about him.
Covid was first to leave, but we’ll allow that.
Warcry trekked back to chongming, or to Korea, unknown at this point.

Unusually quiet around here


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