Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club


Bashers with famous folk

Paul "Shrek" Turner, Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen, Denzyl "Cranky" Allwright & Michael someone.
Up close and personal with the Bashers Beer

Hedgehog leaving Shanghai :(

Hey Guys..... As most of you know Roller Girl and myself(Hedgehog) are relocating to Hong Kong in 4 weeks. We will be leaving Shanghai on the 30th of June 2011. We are in the process of clearing out things in our apartment and would like to sell a few items. If anyone is interested in the following please call me on 13524808006. Also you could email me on and i can then send you the photo's.

Bashers Doppelganger? Filthy = Layne Staley

Both liked to get dirty, only one could sing.

Bashers Doppelganger? Latte = Stephen Fleming

One just coached the IPL winners, what can the other do?
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn Up close and personal with the Bashers

Introducing Mei Hua – 1st Chinese national player to play for Bashers.

Gents. This Sunday there will be a lady wearing the baggy blue. China's most capped cricketer, former national team captain and bowler of the tournament  at the recent Asia Games will be turning out for the Leisure.  So if you are out at the SRFC on Sunday it would be great if you could come and welcome Mei Hua to the club.  She currently coaches a couple of the local Universities and next Monday starts work at the SRFC working on our Sport For All programme.  Her first ever cricket match was 5 years ago against the Scottish Women's team that famously beat the Bashers (Woodstock and Leppa should remember that game) but since then Mei Hua has moved up in the cricketing world.  Prior to becoming a cricketer she was javelin champion and could launch a javelin around 60m a skill that could come in very handy. She elected to join the Bashers because she heard there was another girlie called Loose playing for us.
Up close and personal with the Bashers Beer

Shrek – Another Sequel

Dearest Bashers I am pleased to announce that No 1 will be in Shanghai from the 16th Feb to the 26th Feb and he will require the following. Alcohol consumed via the nose,a team for the quiz night if there is one,obsequious kow towing from new members,new Bashers shot to be confirmed (why can't beer be part of a shot?), watching of world cup with Bashers past and present, lies about Cranky's incredible climb up Africa's biggest hill, Omega's band playing, Birdshit to recite a famous Shakespeare speech on Bashers drinks night at the Camel on the 17th February, Filthy to wear his underpants outside of his pants, Swahili to find out how to say "Howzat" in Swahil, the anti basher voodoo doll to be completed, and more upstanding than a US State of the Union speech. Mr Turner requests that he is referred to as Shrek, Terror, No 1 or father of two blond Tongans. Mr Shrek would appreciate that the Shanghai paparazzi respects his privacy after midnight when all sense has left. Mr Shrek will also be up in Shanghai for the sixes and would like to ensure that he is placed on a Bashers table. Mr Terror shall be available for all requests sane or otherwise during his time. Xin nian kuai le until then.
Up close and personal with the Bashers Beer

The Parrot’s getting older- Basher drinks 11.11.2010

Drinks anyone.......... Probably all wondering where I have been all season for training and basher drinks.

Pushing in SA

If you go to a football game in a strange land, get drunk and fraternize with the locals always advisable to use a pseudonym.
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn Up close and personal with the Bashers

Upstanding for No 1

My Dearest Bashers Yes I am returning and I wish for all the usual pomp and name calling, immature toilet humour,urinating on each other (the inquisition),toasts for no reason other than to stand up and poor memories.

CockTail The Jag

Name of cocktail, "The Mild Stroke" (1) Scope the mixing area for potential champagne snipers,
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