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Bashers Cricket Club

Availability 2018

The SCC will be rolling out stricter rules for player eligibility this year which will attempt to push all member clubs into operating on a first XI, second XI and third XI basis.

This means we will have less flexibility in players being able to compete across multiple divisions.

In order for team captains (Business – Fruitbox, Pleasure – Bambi, Leisure – Tampon) to effectively select teams we need to know who will be available and how frequently throughout the year. We know you can’t guarantee availability week in, week out, but it’s important we at least have a vague idea of who will be regular and who won’t so we can place players in the right teams.

Please message Bambi or comment below stating your rough availability for the upcoming year (including leaving dates if you plan on departing Shanghai). Don’t need exact dates for the season as a whole but just a guide to how many weekends you will be available/unavailable. If you have holidays booked/planned already, dates for those would be handy.


“Will be available every weekend bar exceptional circumstances.”

“Should be able to manage most games but will be unavailable for a few weekends throughout the season.”

“I will be away for six weeks in the summer.”

“Will only be available intermittently throughout the season, maybe two or three games.”



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