As many Bashers drag themselves back into beautiful Shanghai from the 4 corners of the globe its about time we all got down the Camel for a Blondie or 3 and started work on narrowing down the options for the legendary bashers shot for 2011.
Tomorrow evening @ The Camel from 7.
Also I think this image is deserving of a caption competition. Answers on a post card or just post abuse below!
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Will do. There 2moro
Will be there. Also: Nice and very gay blog' color. Are we getting in touch with our feminine side now?
caption: c*nts
no can do this evening I am afraid. i do trust the new social committee to be able to improve both the taste and the texture of the Bashers Shot. Personally I am in favour of the Apple Pucker flavour. If that means we need to change our livery to green - so be it.
There's no naturally occurring blue food
What about a Nugget flavored Basher shot???