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Bashers Cricket Club

SRFC Update

Preceding the SRFC’s official Grand Opening on Saturday there will be a SRFC Board meeting this Thursday. So if any Bashers whether they be Ctte, Life Members or regular punters want feedback on anything or have issues they want to raise by all means let me know directly and I’ll try and respond (does not have to be limited to cricket).  Develpments going on SRFC that currently have some impact on cricket are:

1.  Sport For All.  This is our sports charity that focuses on providing structured sports coaching to local school kids Mon to Fri. Currently we have well over 1000 local kids a week going thru the programmes and will be targeting 2000 kids in the 2nd half of the year. Cricket is now one of the disciplines included in the programme and thanks to David  Boyle, the Asian Cricket Council are starting to support us as we train up coaches. The entire programme is privately funded with a funding level  in excess of RMB 2 million a year and supported by a team of around 10 full time coaches and volunteer coaches from some of the sports played at the club like rugby. This is obviously a critical programme for the SRFC’s long term sustainability as it helps establish us as an important part of the local community.  This is the area I am most involved in so if any Bashers work for companies that would be interested in getting involved with local schools and sports we are always looking to attract new sponsors. I would be pleased to provide more info.

2. Schools Cricket. The SRFC has been approached about helping to organise a schools cricket league.  Again potentially an exciting development from a community and future membership base perspective.

3.  Nets. The plan is to have new nets up by June/July now the funding is in place. Some of you will probably have seen the recently  concreted area beside the clubhouse where the nets will be.

4. Events. There does not appear to be a Sixes etc on the schedule this year. However David Boyle has been approached about hosting a possible international event later in the year and this is something we will start to pursue.  Ideally for each sports discipline it would be good to have one major high profile eventat SRFC  each year .

5.  Financial Sustainability. We intend to get a little more sophisticated when it comes to evaluating the financial sustainability of sports. Over time smart cards will be issued to members for use at the club and we can start to track revenue by sport.  The more people and families that come out and spend time there the better and even from time to time if a sport or club like the Bashers can host an event and use the facilities then that would be great as well.  Something for Bashers Ctte to think about and if your families have feedback on how we can make the place more attractive to wives and kids etc then by all means provide such feedback / suggestions. Bashers are generally recognised by SRFC as the cricket club that has its act most together and which also tries to contribute so well done. 

6.  Schedules. As a general comment it appears the other sports are  more together when it comes to sorting out their schedules for the year and of course the longer it takes a sport to get its act together the problem gets worse as the available slots become fewer.  Any Basher on SCC probably wants to take this feedback on board. 

The Asian Gaelic Games is also this Saturday which not surprisngly is also a massive day for the bar. Come along and check it all out.



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