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Bashers Cricket Club

Bashers Sunday Nets

UPDATE: Thursday night trainings are on hold while we find a new venue in Puxi, so until then Sunday mornings are the only time to prepare for the season. The more that turn up, the more value to the team, so make an effort to get out to the SRFC for the next few weekends. Everyone that turned up last week thought it was really worthwhile, so get involved this week!!!

10am – Meet at Camel & share taxis to SRFC
11am – 1pm – Net session at the SRFC

Great turn out at the nets this morning, with 12 Bashers assembled on a perfect Shanghai spring day! Everyone got a good 20 mins of batting, and a decent bowl – which showed up some winter rustiness. With the season starting on the 6th for D3, and the 20th for D1/D2, we need to get involved in some training so we are ready for the first game!!!

Of particular note today were Satchel, who bowled well and managed to bat in oversize kit… and Pope, who fully tested all the kit – especially the box, which survived multiple impacts. Stats brought his forward defensive shot, and Long Dong danced down the wicket to hit straight lofted drives that left those observing scratching their heads – only the one solitary pad showed us it was really him!

Post below if you’re coming along, and whether you’re meeting at the Camel or going direct. If we get an good response we’ll organize a bus, otherwise people can meet at the Camel and share taxis out to/from the SRFC.






2700 Zhangyang North Road (near corner of Wuzhou Avenue)

Nearest Metro Station Wuzhou Avenue Line 6

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