Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club

Cricket Challenge v Shanghai Scots

We don’t play many cricket  games but the first game we played we beat the Shanghai English by  ten wickets in 1867 so who cares about the results after that.  Suffice to say it was not worth the time of day playing the English again. However the opportunity to play the Bashers is another matter.  It would be an honour.

In the recent golf game against us the Bashers put up a spirited performance, particularly Latex and Woodstock in their 10 and 8 loss to our girl/s. So we offer a chance of redemption to said individuals and their ilk.

The Shanghai Scots hereby challenge the Bashers Leisure in a Twenty20 cricket game for the IrnBru and Deep Fried Mars Bar Cup. We will do a big family day event complete with bagpipers and loads of Scottish heckling plus the odd caber tossing.  It will be a Sunday morning game at the SRFC (we will forgo the vets football for the morning) followed by a piss up. If the Bashers get stuffed quickly we can agree to a second double or quits innings.

Check your late May/early June schedule and let us know when you can play or if you really need more time to prepare we can do Sept.

One request is that the Jag plays in his tartan shoes.

Fighting in the stands will be tolerated as will sparodic pitch invasions.

Yours aye



Shanghai Scottish Sports Club Captain








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