Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club


Friday 5 December

Ashes with the Bashers

More information coming soon...

T20 World Cup 2016 Sweepstakes

Oman - Swoop Hong Kong - Birdshit Netherlands - Japseye Scotland - Korean Afghanistan - Sharapova

Bashers Shot 2016

The Treble. Three layers, three teams, three championships. Ingredients: Toilet duck (or Blue Curaçao)

HK T20 Weekender Report

Friday Shanghai was floating inside a misty cloud most of the week leading up to the first ever international T20s in Hong Kong! So it was an ominous sign when I was notified of a 1 hour delay for my Friday afternoon flight at lunchtime. It ended up being a proper delay of 3.5 hours, and I was forced to run to catch one of the last airport express trains back to Central. I managed to find my way home to Siu Sai Wan in the dark, but had only a few short hours of sleep ahead of game day.

Off-season Thursday drinks

Now that the new year has turned there isn't long until the season starts in March. We will of course still be having Thursday night drinks at the Camel Puxi from 7.00pm every week. So come down after work and if you're new in town this is a great time to meet the Bashers and get amongst it. And you never week we may decide on this season's Bashers shot!

Xiamen Tour Report 2015

Since Mr Bullet Bond, licensed to thrill, is deep undercover, and the season is fast drawing to an end, here are the general (or hazy) events of the Xiamen Tour 2015...
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn Beer

Off-season Thursday Night Drinks

The season is fast coming to an end, and unfortunately, there isn't going to be any indoor this winter (due to the Arena going bust), so we'll all have to wait until next March to play some cricket. That doesn't mean that Bashers drinks aren't happening, so if it's Thursday night, then get to the Camel after work for Bashers Drinks!

Bashers Sixes Day Results, 27 September

The Bashers Sixes Day was a fantastic event (even if the esky was empty by 10.30am). We'll need to make this a regular fixture in the Bashers calendar!

Bashers Cricket Club Sixes Day!!!

1. GENERAL INFORMATION Where: Wellington College When: Bus will leave the Camel Puxi at 7.45am on Sunday 27 September

Bashers RWC Sweepstakes!

Here are the lists, as shared on the wechat group last night: Puffy – Argentina, Samoa Sharapova – Australia, Georgia

A Beer with Mike Gatting…

A select group of Bashers welcomed Mike Gatting to Shanghai at The Brew last night (the sole SCC club represented).
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