Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club


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2nd XI

Pleasure v. Dynamite Devils, August 19 2012

It's taken me a while to post this, as the Pleasure felt the pain of being eliminated from the playoffs on bonus points. In truth though, we only have ourselves to blame after losing our last three games when points from any of them would have seen us through.
1st XI 3rd XI 2nd XI Hands Up!

Squads for Sundays Triple Header

Here are the teams for Sundays games; Pleasure vs Dynamite Devils @ SRFC Near Bus leaves the Camel at 06:45am

Pleasure vs Dynamite Devils, Leisure vs Pudong Dads and Lads & Business vs Pudong Power

Three big games across all divisions this Sunday. Please post below as early as possible so we can see who is available.
2nd XI Hands Up!

Pleasure Squad for Sunday

[forecast where="PVG" when="2012-08-12" align="center"]Here is the team for the weekend vs. Pudong @ SRFC Far (1.30 start):
2nd XI

Pleasure vs Pudong Power

We're in to the pointy end of the season. Need two from two to stay near the top of the ladder. Post availability.
2nd XI

Pleasure v Devils Digital, July 29, 2012.

It's not pretty when you walk into The Camel Bar and the first thing you see is 10-15 of the most unfit, hung-over, loser-looking cretins you are ever likely to see. But, enough about the Voodoo Soccer Team. To the left of them, gathered around the pool table were God's gift to cricket, women and Shanghai bus drivers, The Bashers Pleasure and Leisure.
3rd XI 2nd XI Hands Up!

Squads for Sunday 29th

Here are the teams for Sunday. Leisure Vs Daredevils @ Dulwich - Bus leaves at 07:45 Shit Shoes
2nd XI

LUMBERJACK (Billy’s report)- Pleasure vs Hot Doggies 15th July 2012

Billy's Report!!! A fine day it was and a fantastic day for the Bashers!! From the pumping music provided by DJ Pothole to decisive tactics to even Sinbad disobeying the captain's orders for having a cheeky one, it was all happening on the bus with the leisure boys adding to the entertainment. It was bound to be an eventful day. Yes, the pleasure boys were all set and ready to rumble. Many were greeted to the half-naked Genghis who was sharing his mighty experiences.
3rd XI 2nd XI

Pleasure vs Digital Devils & Leisure vs Daredevils

Pleasure vs Digital Devils @ SRFC Far 9:00am Leisure vs Daredevils @ Dulwich 9:00am [forecast where="PVG" when="2012-07-29" align="center"]
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