Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club


Bashers Broadcast Episode Nine

Heals! Casper gets a surprise on the couch, the Ladies reveal themselves and it only took 8 goes to get the limerick this week!
On-Air stupidity

Bashers Broadcast Episode Eight

Oh lordy! Loose! Outside the Shed this week (Loose didn't meet the dress code) Very special "Steaming in form the member's end" with a very special guest.

Bashers Broadcast Episode Seven

Coming to you from the Garden of XXXX too much information to handle! This weeks 12th Man is the one and only John "Inquisition" L'Epagniol. We've got an impromptu "Ladies bring a plate", Raj Siva conducts a "Fines Session", "Steaming in from the member's", the first ever comprehensive "Drinks break", risotto, gin, near death bathroom accidents, bouncy castles and... Hello? Wuxi!
On-Air stupidity

Bashers Broadcast Episode Six

Over the hump (whatever that means) and amongst it! Much shorter and racier than last week. Guest basher on "Calling for a Runner" is Andrew "Jim's Mowing" Gardiner. We've got Gravity Newton back for a bit of lumberjack action and "Around the Wicket". "Hansie's Corner" is back as is "Ladies Bring a Plate" featuring Lady Dick. "Drinks Break" for what it's worth (not much) and a slew of other useful Bashers infotainment.
On-Air stupidity

Bashers Broadcast Episode Five

A week off to recover from the Jaguar club wasn't quite enough for Kasem who joins Hammer & Birdy from a MASH unit in Afghanistan. Special Guest in the birdsnest Oliver "Stats" Austin, Bashers Captain and one day husband of head Gasher Sarah who also joins us in one of many new segments "Ladies bring a plate". "Call for a runner" goes live to Chook in South Africa. Loosie on the loose in Beijing (Lock it in). Literally hours of fun for all the family.
On-Air stupidity

Bashers Broadcast Episode Four

If you thought episode two was messy, wait until you clap your ears around this mountain of jibber-jabber. Live from two days in the future at the Jaguar club the usual riff raff plus this week's lumberjack Sir Dick with the "Third Umpire" and words of wisdom from the Jaguar himself. Try and make sense of it if you can.
On-Air stupidity

Bashers Broadcast – Episode Three

Here it is. Late but worth the wait.
On-Air stupidity

Podcast 3: On iTunes!

Seriously, this upcoming Podcast will be massive. It will project the Bashers as a global force to be reckoned with. Special guests galore and ground breaking interviews...this is one podcast you don't want to miss!
On-Air stupidity

Bashers Broadcast Episode Two

Hammertime, Kasem & Birdshit return for more informed debate on all matters Basher. Loosie decided to show up too.

Bashers Broadcast Episode One

The pilot if you like featuring Hammertime, Birdshit and Kasem with special guests Shrek (from Sydney), Loosie (from under the thumb) and Cranky (from an SCC meeting in a brothel somewhere)
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