Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club

The Korean

3rd XI Hands Up!

Leisure Team for Sunday 15 September

[forecast where="Shanghai, Shanghai China" when="2013-09-15" align="none"] The Leisure team to take on Dulwich at SRFC this Sunday afternoon is:
2nd XI Hands Up!

Final Pleasure team of the season

The Pleasure squad to take on the Hotdogs on Sunday is: Desmond "Long Dong" DeSilva Alex "Fruitbox" Brown
1st XI 2nd XI Hands Up!

Business and Pleasure teams for Sunday

[forecast where="Shanghai, Shanghai China" when="2013-08-25" align="none"] The Business squad to play K2 Leopards on the far field at SRFC from 12.30 is:
2nd XI Hands Up!

Pleasure team for Sunday August 18

[forecast where="Shanghai, Shanghai China" when="2013-08-18" align="none"] The squad to take on K2 Leopards is:
2nd XI Hands Up!

Pleasure Team for Sunday August 11

The Pleasure team for this Sunday's game against the Dynamite Devils is: Desmond "Long Dong" DeSilva
3rd XI Hands Up!

Leisure Squad for Saturday August 10

[forecast where="Shanghai, Shanghai China" when="2013-08-10" align="none"] The Leisure team for this Saturday is:
1st XI Hands Up!

Business team for Sunday

[forecast where="PVG" when="2013-08-04" align="none"] The Business squad to take on Pudong at Dulwich on Sunday 4th of August is:
3rd XI Hands Up!

Leisure Team for Saturday

[forecast where="PVG" when="2013-08-03" align="none"] The Leisure team for Saturday, August 3rd is:
2nd XI

Pleasure v. Digitals Lumberjack

Here's Tiny's recap of last Sunday's events: Saturday 20th – read blog. Concern over 8 men for Pleasure. Volunteer to double up (in spite of the heat) since with 8 it is almost impossible to be competitive. Offer accepted. Pack kit. Go to bed early.
1st XI 3rd XI 2nd XI Hands Up!

Teams for Sunday July 28

Three full teams for this week! (at the time of writing) We've been pretty quiet this season about the chances of another Bashers' Day, 3 from 3 performance. Could this be the week?
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