Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club



There Once Was A Basher Called Ollie A Wicket Keeper By Golly In The Nets He Bowled Well


For the first time we are getting spiffing club blazers made. The following steps need to be taken by individuals who would like to get one of these;

Hammer Hammer Time

What is the punishment for a semi-final no show with the lamest excuse known to womankind?  
Short attention span cricket

SICS 08 Bashers Games

The first draft of the draw has been approved (apart from the anti-basher who is never happy).
Short attention span cricket

SICS Officials

It's coming down to it now and we're putting the pieces in place. Always one of the toughest hurdles is Scorers and Umpires. I'm putting big pressure on the other clubs to step up this year and i hope i can rely upon the Bashers again showing the way. Basically we need as many of you as possible to put your hands up NOW and say "yes i can count and i'd be happy to give a few hours of my time during the tournament to make it run nice and smooth" Anyone with black pants who knows a thing or two about cricket is welcome to do some umpiring. Come on guys don't be shy - lets show these other freeloaders how to rock this.

Final Final Farewell

The weekend picnic was just not enough for us to show how happy we are to see him leave so we say "Sake it to us!"

Last Night On The Loose

His Royal Looseness Lapthorne LXXXVII is being whisked away next week to Italy (why don't they get any medals in diving at the olympics?) for matrimonial duties.

Final Practice Before Finals

Usual Place 6:30pm Stats will be in attendance to accept payment for blazers
Short attention span cricket Beer

SICS 08 Dinner

The Biggest flashest social event of the year. Bashers are set to glow on the red carpet in their new Blazers. By now you should all have RSVP'd to The Tank (
2nd XI

20-Twenty Final

Not Sure Of This Date - Just Guessing At This Stage.....   @ Dulwich
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