Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club


World Cup Sweepstakes Winners

I know you all know this anyway but just for the record here are the winners in the sweep. The New Zealander's once again punching above their weight here.

Pepper Tree Wine Dinner at Kakadu

Another excuse to flash about your Bashers Discount card!

Trivia World Cup Results

WOW! You guys are amazing! Some of you aren't very brainy but you're all quite generous. The result which counts is the approximately 110,000rmb raised on the night.

WC Quiz

No not a whole evening of questions on Water Closets, although there may be some. No it's the Bashers Trivia World Cup 2010.

Expo Quiz Results

First of all a massive thanks again to all the people who keep giving us prizes. However i get the feeling that if we gave away paper clips we'd still have the same response: huge!
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn The lovely ladies.
just wanna do something special for all the ladies in the world

Messages for Slab

We thought it's be a good idea now that Geoff is starting to read again that we should find some way of telling him how our thoughts are with him and his family. Well here it is, so, share below how you are thinking of him and his family.

World Cup Sweepstakes

Amongst the madness of the Expo Quiz there was a draw for a world cup (the soccer one in SA next month - you may have heard of it) sweepstakes. The following coughed up some cash and this is the teams they got assigned. They're all in line to win some Just beer! I see some fierce rivalry coming up at the camel over this but it's nice to see how this may help sooth some cross-tasman tensions.

Like Chocolate for Women

Kim Morrison

Spanish Inquisition Results

Record turnout! Well done everyone, especially all those new faces and our Devil friends making a good showing coming in third. The Drop Bears in disguise continue their recent form coming second. In the end the old timers in 3 seconds showed how it was done old school style with a record 500 points!

The Saint on the Mic needs our help

Calling all clever bastards. Everybody wake up! Our own patron Danny Morrison has been contracted to lend his expertise and vocals to commentate in the upcoming IPL. He needs our help with some original chirps to pull out for those spectacular plays. Hardly anyone could sound more Basher-like than D-Man already does but come on ya pissheads, get amongst it, ya mongrels, herein lies the challenge to the Bashers, lets get on the underwood and come up with some gems for our little over-achieving friend. Submit away below. If your line gets used by the big little guy Loosey will buy a round.
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