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Bashers Cricket Club


Well done to the Shanghai Scots!

  Well done to the Shanghai scots on their win yesterday! The game was played in a great spirit with the Bashers XI being a bit slow with the bat. The full match report will follow shortly.

Guess the Bashers?

Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn

Bashers XI to face the Scots!

Here is the list of brave men and women who will face of against the Shanghai Scots! Chitty

Nanjing 6’s 2013 Champions!

  As the dust settles on another great trip down to Nanjing it will take a few days to piece together the lumberjack. It will also take a few days for most of the touring party to piece together the brain cells lost along the way.

Nforce Children’s Cricket Academy

Our very own Sean Malcon will be leading the Nforce Arenas first Children's Cricket Academy basic and intermediate skill course over the next couple of months.

@basherscc Instagram

@basherscc is live and kicking for 2013. If you have any basher related photos send them over to i have started putting a few up there this week. Please send through what you have so we can cover the action across all three divisions.

Challenge a Basher #1

A new feature for this season is Challenge a Basher. Everybody knows that the Bashers like a challenge on or off the field, so to keep things interesting I will post a video with some sort of cricketing relevance and its down to the Bashers to recreate it.

Bashers club captain lifts first silverware of the year!

Yesterday at the Nforce arena a number of Bashers took part in the Indoor Cricket World Cup. 5 teams from around the world competed over a 4 game round robin to see who would walk away with the silverware.

Australia Day BBQ @ Kakadu

What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than with a few beers and a BBQ. Maybe not the right temperature but the sun should be out!

Bashers Bush Update Jan 2013

As you all should know the Bashers do a lot of work to support Roots and Shoots and the Million Tree project. This year was a big year for the project with it reaching its first million tree goal.
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