Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club


Bashers vs Kakadu – Tonight

Tonight! This challenge comes in the form of the Bashers vs Food! The wonderful crew at Kakadu are laying on a special BBQ evening just for the Bashers on Wednesday 20th July (next week).
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn 3rd XI 2nd XI Beer

Basher on Basher Saturday Morning Challenge Cup – Pleasure vs Leisure

NEWS FLASH ------- UPDATE ----------- NEWS FLASH!!!!! So the Pusher has pulled some strings and bunged some brown envelops stuffed full cash around at the SRFC and a Saturday morning slot has become available. Again please repost below for a Saturday AM run about.
3rd XI

A Leisurely Lumberjack – Bashers vs Pudong Power 3rd July

With yet another early start for the Leisure the team assembled themselves at The Camel along with the dregs of Shanghai that were leftover from the Klitschko v Haye fight that had finished a little earlier. To be honest some of the girls hanging around the front looked like they had already gone 10 rounds in the "ring" that night as well.

20rmb Fish and Chips!

Our great supporters down at Kakadu have a great offer on tomorrow. Between 12-4pm they are doing there new Fish and Chips menu for just 20rmb. All sounds like a great deal!
There's cricket outside the Bashers?

50p Challenge! I think this has to be tried at training......

Bashers 500 Race 2 and Hedgehogs leaving drinks

Any final takers for the Karting. I only have 6 of us so far. Please let me know today in the comments if you are up for it! Cheers!
We love trivia! Beer

Weekly Camel Quiz

The Camel weekly quiz is now up and running and our good friend Ned Kelly is running the show.

Get your bowling shirts ready!

Bowling is on tonight! See you there at 7. Its on the 4th floor so take the elevator that is inside the main entrance on your right.

Bashers Blazer Fitting

This is for the new boys and girls who want to get measured up by the tailor for a blazer. I also think there is a few veterans who need to get there act together and get fitted up as well.

Bashers 500 Go Kart Challenge

Here are more details for Saturday. We will be heading out from the Camel at 18:00 so get down there a bit earlier for a few beers to calm the pre race nerves.
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