Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club


RWC QF Games at the Camel

Big weekend of rugby coming up with every game a thriller apart from when England stuff the Frogs.
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn Beer

Thursday Drinks on as normal

Although we are done with the league there is a lot of banter to be had over a few drinks. Come to the Camel tonight to talk about the usual kind of nonsense such as;
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn Beer

National Holiday BBQ and knock about

This one is for all of us not lucky enough to be heading off to the beach for there holidays.

Roots and Shoots Gala Dinner

Its time to don your blazers and represent the Bashers at a great events hosted by our amazing charity partners Roots and Shoots.

Season finale weekend – Pub crawl!

With all 3 teams heading into the final weekend of the Bashers season next week we need to go out with a bit of a bang and that doesn't mean a trip to Manhattans (well maybe).

The Bashers Quiz is Back!

Here we go again with another enthralling round of the Bashers quiz!! Thursday September 1st 19:30 @ The Camel. Come early to warm up.

Training Replacement – X Club Laser Quest

Ok, it sounds like some sort of S & M club that The Korean would be found in but it actually looks like good clean fun.

Bokhara Bell – HKCC vs SCC Weekend Extravaganza!

The Hong Kong Cricket Club will tour Shanghai August 19-21 to play for the Bokhara Bell Trophy. The Shanghai Cricket Club and HKCC first played each other in 1866 in Hong Kong, and since then, the two clubs have met 42 times.

2011 Shanghai Marathon

So here we go again. Its that time of the year to dust of your running shorts and get involved.

Shanghai Wuxi Whackers Golf Day

This one is for all you golfers out there. On Friday 16th September the great guys at the Whackers are putting on there annual golf day out at the Jinyuan Golf Club.
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