Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club


Superbowl Monday @ The Camel

If you want an excuse to turn up to work on Monday half cut then come and join me at The Camel. Kick of is 07:30 and there will be a table put aside for the Bashers so head down a bit early to get warmed up!
Short attention span cricket Road Trip!

BCC Beijing 6’s 2013

Please show intrest below for the Beijing 6's. 27th - 30th June 16 teams A lot of fun!

Australia Day At Kakadu

If you are lucky enough to be staying in Shanghai over the coming holiday then you defiantly definitely need to head down to Kakadu on the 26th Jan for what will be one of best tasting Australia Day parties in town.

Bashers Facebook Re-fresh

We have been doing a bit of house keeping and moved the Bashers Facebook page to the new group format. If you were a member of the old group you need to head over here and like the new page. If you weren't a fan before then why the hell not (apart from the obvious reason of it being blocked. Easy answer...V....P....N)

Thursday Drinks at The Camel – Bashers Shot Selection Round 1

Now we are all back in the swing of things lets get back on track with some off season training! We need to start working on some important stuff for the 2012 season and I cant think of a better place to start than The Camel!

4,000 tree Bashers Bush!

Happy New Year to you Bashers out there! I hope you all had a great holiday and are ready to hit 2012 for a big old six!

Xiamen Tour Blog!

Lets see how this goes. For all of you that are missing out this might give you a flavour of whats going on down here!

Xiamen 666’s team selection

The tournament of the year is almost on us! All touring plays need to be at the Camel next Wednesday 26th at 19:00 for the team selection. For this competition we have the COKE Bashers and the KOOKA Bashers representing.
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn Beer

who’s got a semi?

The Camel's got two!! Usual table from 3pm for a 4pm KO on both Saturday and Sunday!
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn The lovely ladies.
just wanna do something special for all the ladies in the world Short attention span cricket Beer Road Trip!

Xiamen Halloween 666s

Here are more details for what is shaping up to be the event of the year. The touring party from the Bashers, Pudong Power and Nanjing Disco Ducks stands at 57 currently so we are defiantly going to make an impact!
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