Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club


3rd XI Hands Up!

Bashers Leisure Vs Dulwich Knights @ SRFC Far

Here is the team to take on the Knights on Sunday afternoon.   Shit Shoes Dags Puberty
Cricket Shanghai Short attention span cricket

SCC 6’S Raffle and Auction prizes

Calling all Basher philanthropists! In preparation for the SCC 6's we are pushing to make this a great event and will have raffles and auctions over the whole weekend. We need to source the best level of prizes to ensure that we gain the best return on the event for the partner charities and the SCC.
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn Cricket Shanghai Hands Up!

SCC Select Intra-Club Fixture, April 22nd @ 10am

Our esteemed SCC Club Captain wishes to draw your attention to the following fixture this weekend.

Swire Vs HSBC Centenary Game @ SRFC 21st April 9:00am

This is an oppertunity to show our love and support to one of our great sponsors and be part of sporting history.
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn

Bashers Training – 19th April 18:00

Training at San He Yuan (or Huan)  courts as usual this Thursday 6pm to 8pm. Just the Leisure in action this week but lets follow up on the great turn out last week.
3rd XI Hands Up!

Bashers Leisure Vs Dulwich Knights @SRFC Far 15:00

This Sunday the mighty Leisure go looking for a second win of the season. Dulwich have had a tough first few games so we should be looking to capitalise on this and mark this one up as a victory.
2nd XI Hands Up!

Selection for Pleasure vs Pudong Power @ SRFC Far Sunday 15th April

Here is the dream team to take on last years Div 2 Champs. Swoop Korean Badabing Tank
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn

Thursday Training April 12th 2012 6pm to 8pm

Training at San He Yuan (or Huan)  courts as usual this Thursday 6pm to 8pm. Only the 1 game this weekend but there will be stiff competition for selection so please make it down to training.
2nd XI Hands Up!

Pleasure vs Pudong Power @ SRFC Far Sunday 15th April

So here we go, after 2 great wins in the opening weeks the Pleasure come up against the 2011 Div 2 Champs. This is going to be an opportunity to really stamp some control on the Div 2 season.
1st XI 3rd XI 2nd XI Hands Up!

Bashers Triple Header – May 13th SRFC

All 3 bashers teams are in action out at SRFC. Could this be another Bashers day! Pleasure - 9:00am vs  Digital Devils @ SRFC Far
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