Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club


Bogan’s Heroes Hoodies

This should start a bit of banter. Rumour has it that I, Katie, Ghost of Bashers past, will be on the hi-speed down to Shanghai this weekend and, if I get some orders, i'll bring a load of these exclusive Bogan's Heroes Hoodies with me. Top quality design, so the guy down the alley behind Jimmy's told me. What better way to make sure you're up with the latest rural fashion trends on your upcoming trip to th 'Jing?

CockTail The Jag

Name of cocktail, "The Mild Stroke" (1) Scope the mixing area for potential champagne snipers,
There's cricket outside the Bashers?

Aussies Looking to tie NZ

Have a listen to what Clarke says,,
On-Air stupidity

Bashers Broadcast – Episode Three

Here it is. Late but worth the wait.

Bashers Broadcast Episode One

The pilot if you like featuring Hammertime, Birdshit and Kasem with special guests Shrek (from Sydney), Loosie (from under the thumb) and Cranky (from an SCC meeting in a brothel somewhere)
Short attention span cricket

6’s Match Reports = By Hammer

While Terror Turner was nervously awaiting the most important delivery of his life, and Loose Losington confessing to a life time of rampant premarital sex and masturbation, the remaining Bashers were focusing on the seasons marquee event, The Shanghai Coca-Cola International Cricket 6's.
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