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Bashers Cricket Club


There's cricket outside the Bashers?

Bashers Invited to nforce Open Indoor Cricket Day

All cricket lovers are invited to a free social day tomorrow from 1pm (Saturday Aug 11th) where we will form teams, play some social games and go over of the rules of indoor cricket. Whether its a few individuals interested in joining or even a whole team from of the Bashers, everyone is most welcome. The Camel will also be open so it should be a great day of social fun!
Cricket Shanghai

Devils Cordially Invite All Bashers

To all our friends at the Bashers Another year has flown by and 2010 has seen us share many an on-field rivalry, spat, controversy and (most importantly) many laughs again. Now that the season is nearly over it may be a long time before we can all get together as cricketers again. So whether you support the Devils or Dogs on Sunday it would be a fantastic sight to see a swarm of "blues" at the ground making merry the way we know you Bashers can.

May 2009 – Cricket Shanghai Newsletter

Staying in Touch and Up-to-Date We are now a few rounds into the 2009 league and most of the competitions are still wide open. While many of us have our eyes glued to the WT20 in England this month, let's take some time out to review the developments within Cricket Shanghai.

China Cup SCC Dragons v BCC Lions 2009

Dear Cricket Shanghai Members & Friends, As per the April Cricket Communique, many of you may well be aware that the Beijing CC Lions will be touring this weekend in the first of this year’s home and away China Cup fixtures. Based on those who made themselves available, the SCC Dragons are as follows:

April 2009 Cricket Shanghai Newsletter

Welcome to the 2009 Season As discussed at last month's AGM, the Council will be sending out a monthly Communique to all members going forward. As there is a lot to get you all up to speed on this first edition will be slightly longer than normal. We hope you find these monthly communications useful and please feel free to let us know where we can develop further to keep everyone up to date. The new 2009 Season is well under way and the Council's plan to schedule double headers between all club's Div 1 & Div 2 teams has been well received and good for inter-club rivalry.

The Devils CC & Bukhara Indian Grill Presents

The Devils Cricket Club Graciously invites all Bashers to an Evening of Fine Indian Cuisine, Music, Dancing & an IPL Double Header.
Champs! Road Trip!

Diplomatic Appreciation

Dear Bashers I have taken the liberty to add myself to your blog as there seems to be no "pest-control" on registration requirements.
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