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Bashers Cricket Club


April 15th, Leisure Vs Daredevils

  It started as any good Basher Double Header should, full of anticipation and desire to win. After an early scare the leisure were missing a treasure and what was left were a few rough diamonds hoping to shine. But replacements were quickly sorted, and all arrived at Cages raring to go. In typical Basheresque style and organisational prowess, vehicles were arranged for both teams to go their separate ways. Pleasure making full use of the 30+ seater coach, filled to the brim with all four Pleasure players; the full complement of the Leisure Eleven, squeezed snuggly into their mini podmobile, where the seats were tighter than Cliff Richard’s pants during his police raid and the soundwaves helping us feel like we were going on an actual summer holiday.

Lumberjack – Leisure V Daredevils, 24th May 2015

Triple Header 2.2 - The Bloody Basher Blitzkrieg How do you begin to write your first lumberjack for the 2nd Triple Header weekend and not only that, one that follows the rambunctious evening of the night before? Oh, like that I guess. I must warn you this is a long one. Are you sitting comfortably? Then let us begin. As a precursor, if any of the information contained below is mistaken, misleading, exaggerated or just damn right lies, well get stuffed, you can write it next time!
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