Abbey Road Breakfast Champion Geneva Vicston Indian Kitchen

Bashers Cricket Club


Bashers Unofficial Golf Day

1st of many golf days to be had for 2013. If you play golf or think you play golf or just like a walk. Make sure you pay attention to the blog.
1st XI Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn 3rd XI 2nd XI Beer

IRISH BALL – 16 March 2013

IRISH BALL IS COMING UP AND THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE IN BUYING TICKETS!!!!!! The Irish ball is the most popular ball in Shanghai and the tickets get sold out within 30mins of going on sale.

South African Ball!!!

A big thank you to all who stepped up to confirm joining what will be a fantastic evening.

SCC AGM 26th November at the Le Royal Meridien

Attention all Bashers playing members: ++++TIME CHANGE++++ With the 2011 season coming to a close, it is time for the SCC's Annual General Meeting to be able to present to the players the progress that has been made over the season, and our plans for the club moving forward. Click on the photo to download the flyer.
Website, Membership, Elections, Committee... Yawn Cricket Shanghai


Attention Bashers!!!!! Below are the names of the nominated members for 2012's committee. Cut off date for nominees has been reached, which is today 1st November.
1st XI

Business Vs K2 17th July Lumberjack Report

Sunday morning held the promise of great cricket in the air. The Biz team were facing K2 for the 3rd time this season and both going into the game 1 game a piece, it promised to be tough and exciting. The morning started of optimistically with Sinbad being uncharacteristically on time for the bus and Dazzler deciding to keep the bus waiting 7 minutes, prompting the skipper to want to leave without out him. What a great call on the skipper's part to instead wait as Dazzler would live up to his name and go on to score 107 RUNS, making him the 2nd person only in Bashers history to score a ton.

BBQ at Cranky’s this Saturday

Its that time of year again where we will have a BBQ at our place this Saturday. Bring and braai. Bring what you feel, the rest should be supplied.

Roots and Shoots Japan Quake Appeal 30 March

Attention all Bashers and friends of Bashers this includes the Devils reading our blog, Rather late notice but we need your support. Roots and Shoots our chosen Charity are hosting an event tomorrow evening to help raise funds for the Japanese Red Cross. I am sure all of you by now know how the Quake and following Tsunami has completely devastated many parts of the country side leaving those who are left with nothing and in in dire need of all the help they can get.

Junior Cricket

Junior Cricket starts in spring. David Boyle will be starting spring training at SRFC shortly. The actual date of the first training session is yet to be advised but that should not stop us collecting name of all those interested in getting their kids enrolled to the Bashers Junior team.


Tomorrow night i will be holding a New Years party/ piss up at my house. All those still in town with no plans are invited.
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