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Bashers Cricket Club

2006 Sixes Bashers Where are you now?

scotlandAhead of the huge encounter with the Shanghai Scots I have been collecting accounts of that weekend in 2006 when the Scottish girls beat the Bashers. The full interviews will be published on the Scots website next month but if any Bashers who played in that game would like to share their experience it would be good to here from them.  The girls seem to remember “Woodstock” and also “the fat rude guy called Mal on the microphone”  The best account comes from Abi Aitken who was fifteen at the time and who recalls the “Bashers played like girls” .

Next month I am hosting the Japanese girls against the Scottish girls in Glasgow plus the Japanese men against the Scots. Any Basher who has a memory or well wishing for either team please let me know and I will read it out at the reception. The reason the games are taking place is that the guy who started cricket the first cricket club in Japan a few years after the first game there 150 years ago came from Glasgow and who also played in Shanghai in one interport game.

My personal comment that evening will be along the lines that it is a bloody disgrace that Shanghai Cricket has not sorted out any more games in Japan since the one game where both Cranky and Woodstock were in full flow charging in from the Mt Fuji end at the Fuji cricket ground.  Cranky can take solice from the fact he was man of the match and therefore officialy recognised as the best post 2nd World War cricketer living in Shanghai to have played in Japan.






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