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Hoggy’s – “How to speak like a Yorkshire man” Part 1

This may be a bit of a random post but as many of you have been trying and badly failing to pull off my Yorkshire accent I thought I should give you all some pointers, ‘Dags’ especially you!

Hoggy’s – “How to speak like a Yorkshire man” Part 1

All use of “the” and “to” is replaced with “t’” and “h” sounds are commonly dropped. Him/Her = im/er.

Example:- “Has anyone seen my helmet, I’m going into bat” = “As anyone sin me elmet, ahm goin in t bat” Note: the g at the end of “going” is also dropped and “seen” becomes “sin”

Words ending with an “ee” sound are pronounced as “eh” sounds. Example:- “Nice delivery Tiny” would be “Nice delivereh Tineh”

The “th” at the end of “with” and the “s” at the end of was is dropped, also if it is a question add a “like” at the end. Example:- “What was going on with him?” = “What wa goin on wi im like” Note: Be careful not to drop into a dirty Scouse or Manc accent, pronunciation is closer to “lark”.

“Give” becomes “giz”, “Take” becomes “tek”, “Me” becomes “us” or removing completely is also acceptable, “Out” becomes “art”, “My” becomes “me” Example:- “Gis (us) that ball Filtheh, ahm gonna tek ‘is middle stump art”.

People really do say “thee” and “tha” instead of “you” or “your”, Example:- “Where’s tha think tha’s fielding? Get darn t boundary I’ll tell thee Dags!”. Note: “Down” becomes “darn”

Yorkshire folk always say “aye” for yes, and “nay” for no. Example:- “Nay lad tha doesn’t want t Jag openin’ t bowlin’”. Or the 3 acceptable running calls in Yorkshire = “Aye”, “Nay” and “wait t minute lad”

The Fish and Chip shop is “t chippeh” or “t fish oil” (oil meaning hole) thus “fish shop”. So Pot hole = Pot oil

Hoggy’s – “How to speak like a Yorkshire man” Part 1 is sponsored by Yorkshire Air, see our sponsors video below.

taa f’ reading, until t’ next time.

Hoggy’s “How to speak like a Yorkshire man” Part 2



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